Friday, November 27, 2009

Food & Family

I firmly believe that wars could be ended with desserts....pies, cakes, cheesecakes....and maybe this is the problem with the world today, nobody cares to stop and pop that cake in the oven.....they lack the patience it takes for the center to set and the icing to be spread. They only see that each step takes time and effort instead of the bigger picture which involves a huge slice of ooey-gooey chocolate frosting-covered cake that will be partnered with milk and a stomach that is empty, even though a huge nine-course meal is slowly beginning to digest.

Yesterday, people all over this country swept negative emotions and their underlying disgust with their families under the rug to enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday together. Food is one of the glues that keeps us families, irregardless of their levels of dysfuntion, together, if even only by a very thin string. Who can resist a roasted turkey leg? Who can turn down a table full of food prepared to give thanks to you and to all you have? Whether we give thanks for our families or for our situations in life or for possessions we have, we gather around the table and enjoy a meal that hopefully most of us helped to prepare. We engage in conversation, whether forced or not, and we commune. We become one, at least for this one day as a family. All other 364 days of the year we may be apart, but for this one day we can enjoy great food, family, and discussion.

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday and I truly hope that this is not the only day you give thanks to your family and friends. Have a great holiday season!

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